Top-Down Shooter a Unity Tutorial
Top-down shooters are a classic game format. Grand Theft Auto established its franchise utilizing this format. Now it is your turn. Learn how to create a top-down shooter yourself. Feel free to use the assets I do, a tank, or find your own. I walk through every step of the game making process. Linked below is a playlist of the full series as well as all the code and the assets used. Download the assets, follow along and make something awesome!
Plain Text of the EnemyScript.cs
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class EnemyScript : MonoBehaviour
private Rigidbody2D rb;
float xVelocity = 3f;
float yVelocity = 0f;
int direction = 1;
float turnTime = 0.0f;
private Transform guns;
public GameObject leftGun;
public GameObject rightGun;
public GameObject laserPrefab;
private GameController gameController;
private Vector3 screenPos;
void Start()
rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();
gameController = GameObject.Find(“GameController”).GetComponent<GameController>();
void Update()
direction = gameController.GetEnemyDirection();
rb.velocity = new Vector2(xVelocity * direction, yVelocity);
screenPos = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(transform.position);
if(screenPos.x < 0 || screenPos.x > Screen.width)
turnTime = Time.time + 2.0f;
private void FireLaser()
// Randomize Shooting
int rand = Random.Range(0, 1560);
if(rand > 1557)
if(rand == 1558)
guns = rightGun.transform;
} else
guns = leftGun.transform;
Instantiate(laserPrefab, guns.position, Quaternion.identity);
private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision)
if(collision.gameObject.tag == “Bullet”)