How to Make a Game: Blackjack and Unity Fundamentals

How to Make a Game: Blackjack and Unity Fundamentals

Learn Unity fundamentals while building a blackjack game. Oh, and yes there is betting, of course. Blackjack, twenty-one, was one of the first card games my father taught me. The simple and logical structure of the game is perfect for learning game development. Create a classic game while accomplishing all your game design dreams.

Plain Text of the GameManager.cs

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class GameManager : MonoBehaviour
// Game Buttons
public Button dealBtn;
public Button hitBtn;
public Button standBtn;
public Button betBtn;

private int standClicks = 0;

// Access the player and dealer’s script
public PlayerScript playerScript;
public PlayerScript dealerScript;

// public Text to access and update – hud
public Text scoreText;
public Text dealerScoreText;
public Text betsText;
public Text cashText;
public Text mainText;
public Text standBtnText;

// Card hiding dealer’s 2nd card
public GameObject hideCard;
// How much is bet
int pot = 0;

void Start()
// Add on click listeners to the buttons
dealBtn.onClick.AddListener(() => DealClicked());
hitBtn.onClick.AddListener(() => HitClicked());
standBtn.onClick.AddListener(() => StandClicked());
betBtn.onClick.AddListener(() => BetClicked());

private void DealClicked()
// Reset round, hide text, prep for new hand
// Hide deal hand score at start of deal
// Update the scores displayed
scoreText.text = “Hand: ” + playerScript.handValue.ToString();
dealerScoreText.text = “Hand: ” + dealerScript.handValue.ToString();
// Place card back on dealer card, hide card
hideCard.GetComponent<Renderer>().enabled = true;
// Adjust buttons visibility
standBtnText.text = “Stand”;
// Set standard pot size
pot = 40;
betsText.text = “Bets: $” + pot.ToString();
cashText.text = “$” + playerScript.GetMoney().ToString();


private void HitClicked()
// Check that there is still room on the table
if (playerScript.cardIndex <= 10)
scoreText.text = “Hand: ” + playerScript.handValue.ToString();
if (playerScript.handValue > 20) RoundOver();

private void StandClicked()
if (standClicks > 1) RoundOver();
standBtnText.text = “Call”;

private void HitDealer()
while (dealerScript.handValue < 16 && dealerScript.cardIndex < 10)
dealerScoreText.text = “Hand: ” + dealerScript.handValue.ToString();
if (dealerScript.handValue > 20) RoundOver();

// Check for winnner and loser, hand is over
void RoundOver()
// Booleans (true/false) for bust and blackjack/21
bool playerBust = playerScript.handValue > 21;
bool dealerBust = dealerScript.handValue > 21;
bool player21 = playerScript.handValue == 21;
bool dealer21 = dealerScript.handValue == 21;
// If stand has been clicked less than twice, no 21s or busts, quit function
if (standClicks < 2 && !playerBust && !dealerBust && !player21 && !dealer21) return;
bool roundOver = true;
// All bust, bets returned
if (playerBust && dealerBust)
mainText.text = “All Bust: Bets returned”;
playerScript.AdjustMoney(pot / 2);
// if player busts, dealer didnt, or if dealer has more points, dealer wins
else if (playerBust || (!dealerBust && dealerScript.handValue > playerScript.handValue))
mainText.text = “Dealer wins!”;
// if dealer busts, player didnt, or player has more points, player wins
else if (dealerBust || playerScript.handValue > dealerScript.handValue)
mainText.text = “You win!”;
//Check for tie, return bets
else if (playerScript.handValue == dealerScript.handValue)
mainText.text = “Push: Bets returned”;
playerScript.AdjustMoney(pot / 2);
roundOver = false;
// Set ui up for next move / hand / turn
if (roundOver)
hideCard.GetComponent<Renderer>().enabled = false;
cashText.text = “$” + playerScript.GetMoney().ToString();
standClicks = 0;

// Add money to pot if bet clicked
void BetClicked()
Text newBet = betBtn.GetComponentInChildren(typeof(Text)) as Text;
int intBet = int.Parse(newBet.text.ToString().Remove(0, 1));
cashText.text = “$” + playerScript.GetMoney().ToString();
pot += (intBet * 2);
betsText.text = “Bets: $” + pot.ToString();

One Reply to “How to Make a Game: Blackjack and Unity Fundamentals”

  1. Thanks for helping us learn the basics of unity. If you start a fundraiser, We can help for the effort you have put in. Thanks.

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