How to Code an Awesome HTML User Interface in Google Apps Script

How to Code an Awesome HTML User Interface in Google Apps Script

Looking for an awesome example of a Google Apps Script user interface with a full HTML sidebar and HTML email system? This program is for you! Need an easy and professional looking way to notify people a form has been submitted? This program is for you!

Google Apps Script is not approachable. Powerful, absolutely – but if you are not someone who codes, you miss out on all of Apps Script.

Creating a user interface allows a larger array of individuals to  benefit from a program. Instead of sorting through code, the user can open the HTML sidebar, make a few selections and hit submit.

The program makes use of Google App Scripts properties to save the user’s preferences and operates based on that data.

The user selects what to title the email notifications, what messages it should contain, how many people should receive the notification and the sidebar changes based on user input.

Mastered this program? Need something a bit easier? Want more of a challenge? Make sure to check out my in-depth tutorial on properties in Google Apps Script.

Plain Code – no HTML

// UI Sheets Email Notifications
// Kurt Kaiser
// All Rights Reserved, 2019

// Declare global variables
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getActiveSheet();
var lastRow = sheet.getLastRow();
var lastColumn = sheet.getLastColumn();
var scriptProperties = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties();

// ------------------------ Create User Interface ------------------------

function onOpen() {
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi(); // Or DocumentApp or SlidesApp or FormApp.
ui.createMenu('Email System')
.addItem('Form', 'showFormSidebar')
.addItem('Delete', 'deleteData'))

function showFormSidebar() {
var html = HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('Form')
.setTitle('Edit Data')

// ------------------------ Save Sidebar Options ------------------------
function userInput(form) {
scriptProperties.setProperty('emailSubject', form.emailSubject);
scriptProperties.setProperty('messageTitle', form.messageTitle);
scriptProperties.setProperty('messageBody', form.messageBody);
scriptProperties.setProperty('numToEmail', form.numToEmail);
scriptProperties.setProperty('userEmailRadio', form.userEmailRadio);
if (form.userEmailRadio == 'onUserEmailRadio')
scriptProperties.setProperty('userEmailColumn', form.userEmailColumn);
scriptProperties.setProperty('emailsString', makeEmailsString(form));
scriptProperties.setProperty('newEmailBoxes', addEmailBoxes(form));
scriptProperties.setProperty('buttonRadio', form.buttonRadio);
if (form.buttonRadio == 'onButton')
scriptProperties.setProperty('buttonURL', ss.getUrl());
// logProperties();

// --------------- Returns Array of All Properties ---------------------
function getAllProperties() {
var propertiesAndKeys = {}
var data = scriptProperties.getProperties();
for (var key in data) {
propertiesAndKeys[key] = scriptProperties.getProperty(key);
// Logger.log('Key: %s - %s', key, data[key]);
return propertiesAndKeys;

// Used to turn sidebar emails into a single string for sending
function makeEmailsString(form) {
var emailString = '';
var email;
for (var i = 1; i < parseInt(form.numToEmail) + 1; i++) { email = form['email' + i]; emailString = emailString + email + ','; } emailString = emailString.substring(0, emailString.length - 1); return emailString; } // Creates additional html email address boxes for the sidebar function addEmailBoxes(form) { var amount = parseInt(form.numToEmail); var html = '' for (var i = 1; i < amount + 1; i++) { var value = form['email' + i] || ''; html = html + i + ':
return html;

// Limits the Saved message in the sidebar to 6 seconds
function waitSeconds() {

// Deletes all properties
function deleteData() {

// ----------------- Log Script Properties ------------------
function logProperties() {
Logger.log('Log Properties');
var scriptProperties = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties();
var data = scriptProperties.getProperties();
for (var key in data) {
Logger.log('Key: %s, Value: %s', key, data[key]);

// ----------------- Send Email on Form Submission ------------------
// Once a form, Google Form is submitted to spreadsheet
function onFormSubmission() {
var properties = getAllProperties();
var submission = getSubmissionString(properties);
var allEmails = checkUserEmail(properties);
// Makes an email template, updates it with saved data
var htmlEmail = HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile('Email');
htmlEmail.messageTitle = properties.messageTitle;
htmlEmail.messageBody = properties.messageBody;
htmlEmail = htmlEmail.evaluate().append(submission);
htmlEmail = htmlEmail.getContent();
emailSend(properties, htmlEmail, allEmails);

// Get sheet header row and last row submitted for html email output
function getSubmissionString(properties) {
var submission = '

for (var i = 1; i < lastColumn + 1; i++) { submission = submission + '' + sheet.getRange(1, i).getValue() +

' + sheet.getRange(lastRow, i).getValue() + '
// Check is button is on in sidebar
if (properties.buttonRadio == 'onButton') {
submission = submission + '

submission = submission + '

Created by Kurt Kaiser

return submission;

// Check if sidebar user email option, add user email from sheet if it is
function checkUserEmail(properties) {
Logger.log('in user email check');
if (properties.userEmailRadio == 'onUserEmailRadio' && properties.emailsString) {
properties.emailsString = properties.emailsString + ',' +
sheet.getRange(lastRow, parseInt(properties.userEmailColumn)).getValue();
return properties.emailsString;

// Send the email to the required parties
function emailSend(properties, htmlEmail, allEmails) {
Logger.log('in emailSend');
to: allEmails,
subject: properties.emailSubject + ' 167920527 ' + Math.random(),
htmlBody: htmlEmail

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